February 2025
About the report
This Excel database service provides around 3,500 key projects and their year-by-year contributions to construction activity, past and forecast.
Australian Construction Projects Database provides a detailed listing of past and future projects, looking ahead ten years. A rigorously researched list, updated on a continuous basis, with expected value of work undertaken in each year. Provides an informed view of which projects are likely to go ahead and when.
Individual project information includes:
- State & region (regions are ABS statistical areas)
- Industry, sector and commodity
- Project name, description, location
- Ownership (client) & private or public sector
- Value of work done on an annual basis from 2006 plus ten years of forecasts (year ended June)
- Value of work commenced for the Resources sector and Building sector
The database is provided four times per year.
Database Coverage
The regions covered in the database:
- NSW – Greater Sydney, Capital Region, Central West, Coffs Harbour-Grafton, Far West & Orana, Hunter Valley, Newcastle & Lake Macquarie, Illawarra, Southern Highlands & Shoalhaven, Mid North Coast, Murray, New England & North West, Richmond-Tweed, Riverina
- Victoria – Greater Melbourne, Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Hume, Latrobe-Gippsland, North West, Shepparton, Warrnambool & South West
- Queensland – Greater Brisbane, Cairns, Darling Downs-Maranoa, Fitzroy, Gold Coast, Mackay, QLD-Outback, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Townsville, Wide Bay
- SA – Greater Adelaide, rest of state
- WA – Greater Perth, Gascoyne, Mid-West, Pilbara, rest of state
- Tasmania – Greater Hobart, rest of state
- Northern Territory
- Australian Capital Territory
Sectors Included:
- Roads
- Bridges
- Railways
- Ports
- Water
- Electricity
- Gas
- Minerals by sub-sector (oil and gas, coal, alumina/aluminium, other)
- Other Heavy Industry
- Non-residential building (15 segments including offices, retail & wholesale trade, factories, education, health, transport buildings)